A Strapping Tape Can Serve Many Purposes!
Nowadays, sports tape has been no less than any style statement as many players are seen wearing it. Many times, it gets necessary to wear them as they work to protect muscles. The way in which they’re wrapped up serves in saving the bones from further injuries. Usually, the strapping tape works to limit the dislocation of bones without even harming the muscles. To focus, the tape is taken into use for basic to extreme sprains or tears that happen in joints and ligaments.
Moreover, sports strapping is usually taken in use for taping or strapping and is known by different names like “athletic tape” or “sports tape”, also majorly it is the rigid taping that is applied to the skin of the player. As these injuries are unstable, they usually function to stabilize the area that has been affected and help in balancing the pain as well.
Mentioned below are the steps by which a tape can be applied:
1. Cleaned skin: When the skin is dirty, the oil secretions of the skin interfere with the adhesion of the tape. Thus, the primary step consists of a good cleaning of the skin area to where the tape needs to be applied. Also, the hassle-free and very simple method is using a cleansing wipe to clean the area.
2. Trimming small hair: The next step consists of trimming the hair in a very short length by using clippers or a trimmer thereby avoiding issues pertaining to the application of the tape. To add, the athlete can also shave the area to get a smoother surface, but it can harm the skin making the tape application uncomfortable.
3. Use of Underwrap: To explain, the underwrap is a lean foam that can be wrapped around the area before taping thereon. It is recommended by many physios as it gives the best surface to stick upon. Usually, the Strapping Tape sticks exactly and enduringly to the underwrap.
4. Spray before taping: A spray is used on the skin which gets mixed in a thin, very light adhesive film thereby providing a good surface for the tape to stick upon. To add, the film also consists of waterproof qualities that assist in managing adhesion even when the athlete sweats.
5. Warming up the tape: When the tape gets applied to the body, it gently gets warmed up to full strength. This method can be enhanced by using a bit of extra heat. Also, when the tape is rubbed upon, it creates proper friction to get heated up.
In a nutshell, to specify, Elastoplast Rigid Strapping Tape 38 mm is one of the strong supportive tapes that work to balance the joints while extensive physical activity is going on. It is very effective in both preventative as well as rehabilitating taping methods.
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